Monday, September 12, 2005

After volunteering for Hart this weekend, I discovered that there was a Total Wine in the same shopping center. I was a Total Wine virgin. Granted, I'm not a big alcohol consumer, but it's nice to know that there's a reliable resource of my favorite "beer" (while Lambic is a German ale, it's usually brewed with fruit, thus eliminating any real beer taste), and my favorite cider (Cider Jack). Accept no substitutions!

Had a couple of firsts this weekend, went to my first Nat's game and hiked Old Rag Mountain for the first time. Found out that I wasn't the only one of Jefferson's scholars who hadn't visited Monticello *chuckle*.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger Holly Golightly said...

what?! you've never been to monticello?! and you were in c'ville for four years?!

anyway, i'm just appalled b/c as a devoted virginian, jefferson is my favorite president.

ok, is it weird to have a favorite president?


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