Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A coworker just brought me surprise tulips from her yard! Everyone should have a nice surprise like this!

Best of all, they even match my cute pink sweater today!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Letter to those who disappear:

My Mom asked about you today as I hadn't mentioned you since asking about Peking duck restaurants several months ago. I laughed it off and said that I didn't know.

Count yourself lucky that she even remembers you. It's more than you deserve.

Good riddance.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

I checked out a new hip hop class on Saturday morning at the Sport and Health. Now my right leg hurts, I may have pulled a muscle. I'm so happy that I survived without tripping all over my feet. Jen taught us cute little routine that lasts all of a grand 30 seconds when done at the right tempo LOL.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

This must be my lucky moon phase as Todai just called. It seems that they want to give me a free lunch for me and 10 of my friends/coworkers.

Parkay and Sunshine told me to throw a McDonald's sandwich out the window in the hopes that it would hit Prince Charming on the head. Our office windows don't open, perhaps a car window will suffice? Then again, I can't stand littering, nvm.

Mussels asked if Iwas going to be the next Pope, I said I'd settle for the opportunity to showcase my lack of athletic skills on Quest China that would lead to international commercial campaign to endorse Bandaids!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I am now a semifinalist for Quest China Da Tiao Zhan. I'm just as surprised as you are!

I had applied for season one, Quest USA also, but didn't make it. I am one of 120 sf's who owe the producers 2 snapshots and a short 5 minute video blog of myself.

Those 120 are then narrowed down to 4 teams of 3 for 14 days of shooting starting in Beijing, China. My brother thinks 1 in 10 isn't so bad. This season will feature participants from the US, UK, Australia, and China of course.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

It takes alot to be a kid.

Sunday was a gorgeous spring day without the deceptively sneaky wind, a perfect day to spend with the UVA alumni club and Horton's Kids. As a joint event for Cavalier Cares celebrating Thomas Jefferson's birthday, a handful of Virginia alums joined some regular volunteers to give back to a community that was a little less fortunate. The statistics were in stark contrast to what most of us had gotten used to growing up, the median annual income was $5000, 98% of the families are single mothers, 100% of the housing was Section 8 subsidized. Mothers in this area are used to throwing their children in the bathtub for safety as cars whiz by and bullets fly through the windows.

But these are things that children don't understand, they just want to play and be kids. They have every right to that privilege. We were very fortunate to be a part of that this afternoon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

So I received another prospect that says: " I am very laid back maybe even too laid back." Perhaps this one leaves chicken bones on the ground and smokes pot while doing it.

I love how everyone who wants to be your roommate tells you that they're "laid back".

I'm thinking, just HOW laid back? To the point where I have to overstep your chicken bones on the floor? Or laid back in that you wear one blue shirt every week to break up the monotony of white shirts every other day? It might actually be kind of refreshing to receive a response that said: "I'm really high strung and prone to bouts of high anxiety".

At least I'd get a good laugh out of it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

*blink blink blink*

My nifty Avaya 2410 phone told me this morning that I had a new voicemail! Seems that one of the nice ladies from the Origins store called to let me know that I had won their Happy Hour Facial drawing (you know, one of those in-store fishbowls you drop your business card into and never expect to win anything)! I won a free minifacial and a makeup consultation WOOT!

It's so nice to start the day off by winning something, even better when I get to share it with a friend :-).

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Day after.

Saturday was an endlessly long day. Up at 7 to cram myself into the Metro with 500,000 other commuters to the Cherry Blossom festivities. I am ever thankful that DC has such a well laid out, clean, safe, and timely public transportation system. There are few in the world that can rival its level of user-friendliness.

Met some cool peeps with OCA-YP as we watched the parade (which I haven't done since I was a kid), mosied around the street festival (ran into SO many friends), and traipsed around the Tidal Basin to enjoy the annual spring rite of blossom arrival in gorgeous 70 degree weather. FYI, free ice cream is always a good thing my book, especially if it can be strawberry.

Almost had a heart attack with a UF Gator/NIH run-in which Peter was very gracious about. Some things just take time.

I earned myself a very silly looking triangular patch of sunburnt redness just below the base of my neck, otherwise, my new daily ritual of applying sunblock seems to have paid off! I showed off my red triangle at the pre-opening party at Avenue for VC's birthday, good thing those places are dark. Official verdict on Avenue, pretty, larger and cleaner than Home, but still cramped, and the air conditioning REALLY needs a boost. Official verdict on VC: "I can't remember past 15." The Sunshine Band's very nice promoter friend Phil took 3 of us over to Dream afterwards where we rang into Miss Holly Golightly. I'm so happy to run into my friends all over the place like this, just goes to show how tightly knit the little "town" of DC really is.

Today I nursed an awful sinus headache and cold-like symptoms which seem to develop everytime I got out to a club at night. I wonder if I'm developing allergies to smoke in my ripe old age.

Mussels, I love you, you are such a dear friend. Thanks for the intervention, self-loathing is a great word, and for some, it's just desserts. EAT UP, YOU'VE EARNED IT.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Thorazine is an awful awful thing. I wonder how the first researchers created it and tested it. If you're going to have a frontal lobotomy, why bother living?

In researching the affects of thorazine, MW showed me this site. Make sure to check out the authors page, I can't tell if these are extreme hypochondriacs or genuinely sick people, I guess either way they're ill. They aren't kidding when they say cocktail.

The only serious drug I've ever been near was vicadin for my wisdom teeth, that was enough for me.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I am v e r y tired. Very tired in that sore to the bone way that only 3 hours with a guest pass at the gym can do for you. I let JT talk me into checking out her Sport and Health, I think it was more of an in depth muscle probe investigation of the painful kind. All of my muscles are quivering with fear at the next step. I did discover some new fun ways to torture my inner and outer thighs though :-).

Found a new DVD I want, Tribal Fusion by Rachel Brice. That girl is AMAZING. Only in CA can you become famous by dancing, teaching yoga, and covering yourself in tattoos.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


This is my current job. Really. I used to have jobs where I fixed things.

Analysis by paralysis, with too many handfuls of college style thesis writing thrown in. I thought I graduated for a reason?

BOYS, and I do mean BOYS.

Women obsess over them way too much. We hate them but can't seem to leave them. Dating 21 year old "very very cute" Coast Guard guys is not a logical move, but somehow we can romanticize and justify it in our heads. It's not enough that our girlfriends warn us with big orange flags with flashing LEDs. You know, the same girlfriends who are there to hold our hands when the idiots break up with us later. The ones who can make good sane judgment calls because they're not emotionally involved. The guys can't take all the blame all the time, we really do need to accept responsibility for our own actions.

I'm off to adjust my limbic system.

In a sad, half-a$$ attempt to pump some life back into this "blog", I'm back. I swear, I've killed of whole villages of blogs before blogs were cool, don't ask me why I'm doing this again.