A coworker just brought me surprise tulips from her yard! Everyone should have a nice surprise like this!
Best of all, they even match my cute pink sweater today!
Taking a big bite of life. Gracefully.
A coworker just brought me surprise tulips from her yard! Everyone should have a nice surprise like this!
Letter to those who disappear:
I checked out a new hip hop class on Saturday morning at the Sport and Health. Now my right leg hurts, I may have pulled a muscle. I'm so happy that I survived without tripping all over my feet. Jen taught us cute little routine that lasts all of a grand 30 seconds when done at the right tempo LOL.
This must be my lucky moon phase as Todai just called. It seems that they want to give me a free lunch for me and 10 of my friends/coworkers.
I am now a semifinalist for Quest China Da Tiao Zhan. I'm just as surprised as you are!
It takes alot to be a kid.
So I received another prospect that says: " I am very laid back maybe even too laid back." Perhaps this one leaves chicken bones on the ground and smokes pot while doing it.
I love how everyone who wants to be your roommate tells you that they're "laid back".
*blink blink blink*
The Day after.
Thorazine is an awful awful thing. I wonder how the first researchers created it and tested it. If you're going to have a frontal lobotomy, why bother living?
I am v e r y tired. Very tired in that sore to the bone way that only 3 hours with a guest pass at the gym can do for you. I let JT talk me into checking out her Sport and Health, I think it was more of an in depth muscle probe investigation of the painful kind. All of my muscles are quivering with fear at the next step. I did discover some new fun ways to torture my inner and outer thighs though :-).
BOYS, and I do mean BOYS.